Cinnamon Pancakes with Warm Apples - Wheat, Sugar and Dairy Free

Tuesday 21 October 2014

It is a beautiful autumn season when apples are most delicious, sweet and flavoursome. I absolutely love the taste when apple meets cinnamon and that's why this is one of my favourite recipes! These little pancakes are wheat, sugar and dairy free and are high in protein and fibre. They will keep you full until lunch and are perfect for a healthy start of a long working day! Magnesium and vitamin B12 will also help keep those autumn blues away by improving your mood and keeping you calm and happy. Also these pancakes pose no threat to your figure and help lose excess weight.
So now you have no excuse not to try them! :)

2 free range eggs
2 tablespoons of either coconut cream ( or, if you eat dairy, organic plain low fat or fat-free yogurt (
3 tablespoons of organic oat bran
And here's a trick to get a delicious taste without adding sugar - 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (
♥ Small organic apple of your choice or half a big one

♥ Core an apple and cut into 1-1.5 cm thick slices
♥ Put apple slices onto a pre-heated pan. Add 2 tablespoons of water, cover with a lid and leave on a low heat for 3 minutes. After that turn off the heat, but to keep apples warm leave them covered with the lid.

Beat eggs with a fork just to blend whites and yolks together
♥ Add yogurt, oat bran and ground cinnamon and mix them all together

♥ Pre-heat a non-stick pan on a low heat. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and using a spatula spread it quickly over the pan
♥ Now it's time to transfer mixture onto a pan! I use a tablespoon to form small pancakes, usually 1 tablespoon gives 1 pancake.
♥ When the top of a pancake start to lose moisture (usually around after 3 minutes as we are frying on a very low heat), lift and quickly flip a pancake over. Leave for approximately another 1.5 minutes.
Serve with warm soft apples which you can also sprinkle with cinnamon if you like! :)

Enjoy and be healthy!
Natalia xx

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