The Perfect Banana Bread - Vegan, Fat-Free, Wheat-Free, Nut-Free

Sunday 13 September 2015

As the days are getting colder, it's a perfect time to get baking! I've been experimenting with making banana bread several times before posting this recipe to make sure the proportions are perfect. Also, the challenge was to make my banana bread as healthy and as guilt-free as possible as opposed to so many recipes out there overloaded with fat or made of wheat flour. But now with each bite of a flavorsome, fluffy, perfectly moist slice of this banana bread, I get more and more proud that I finally nailed it! I decided to make it fruity and added nectarines, also because I love them a lot! But you can also take peaches or small apples of your choice instead.

For those who never tried or not familiar with banana bread, this is not strictly a bread that you have with soup or to make a sandwich. :) Banana bread is rather a moist pie/cake to go with your morning coffee or tea. You can spread peanut butter or blend of few strawberries and quark (fat-free cottage cheese) on top of it, or just have it on its own. Best served, chilled.

(makes a loaf approx. 22.5cm long and 10cm wide)

♥ 270g wholemeal buckwheat flour
♥ 300g mashed overripe bananas (peeled weight)
♥ 3 nectarines (or medium size apples)
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
♥ 1 teaspoon cinnamon, plus some for dusting
♥ 4 tablespoons of filtered water

1.  Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
2.  Mash peeled bananas with a fork or puree in a blender. Add water before doing so.
3.  In a separate bowl, mix buckwheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
4.  Finely (or not so finely:)) dice 2 nectarines and put them into a bowl with dry ingredients.
5.  Add pureed bananas to dry ingredients with diced nectarines and combine everything well.
6.  Make 15-17 slices of nectarines.
7.  Pour your mixture into a silicone loaf mould . Top it with nectarine slices and sprinkle ground cinnamon as much as your want.
8.  Turn the temperature down to 180 degrees Celsius and put the banana bread inside the oven.
9.  Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 60 - 65 minutes.
10.  Let cool for 15 minutes before taking the bread out of the loaf mould.
11.  Before slicing and serving, let the bread cool completely for a couple of hours.

Enjoy! xx

17 Delicious Healthy and Weight Loss Friendly Smoothie Recipes for All Seasons

Wednesday 2 September 2015

There are million reasons to love smoothies! They provide precious antioxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals found in fruit and leafy greens, they hydrate, uplift and invigorate, they supply lots of nutrients in one go, provide energy and promote wellbeing. They boost immunity and are perfect for mild natural detox, improving skin complexion and general health and even treating cold and flu. Finally, a smoothie is a very delicious drink/food that makes your tastebuds dance! You can easily prepare it for yourself or kids (great way to boost raw foods intake!), have it for breakfast,  while traveling or take it with you to work. Smoothies are an excellent invention! If you've never tried them before, I strongly recommend making an experiment and having one smoothie a day for several days in a row and you'll see and feel an amazing difference.

And here comes the "BUT" part! If you're trying to lose weight, most smoothie recipes available on the web or smoothies sold in many cafes  or restaurants are loaded with carbs way too much and hence won't do you any good. As I'm focusing so much on weight loss here in my blog and as I am a huge fan of smoothies, I decided to put together my favorite 17 smoothie ideas that I make almost daily! They're all super balanced to keep that blood sugar level stable and help you with weight management. They are all clean and most of them are vegan (and for those that aren't, you can always use vegan substitutes for dairy). And none of them taste bland, so you'll truly enjoy every sip! Finally, the ingredients and proportions are just as pictured! All you need is to do some raw foods shopping, a smoothie maker or blender and your own 2 hands.

So let me tempt you. ♥

1. The 'Feel Good' Smoothie
Why it's awesome:
A true 'champion' smoothie! This little bad boy does wonders when you have flu, cold, fatigue or cannot wake up in the morning and just generally feel like you need a good 'shot' of  something to give you vitality. It has antiviral, antibacterial, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-aging, anti-cancer and tumor retarding properties. It aids digestion, helps repair tissues, contributes to bone, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system and gum health. It helps dissolve blood clots, lowers cholesterol, fights headaches, migraines, nausea and motion sickness.

What you need:
♥  few pieces of a pineapple
♥  handful of spinach (approx 30g)
♥  1/2 a grapefruit
♥  1/2 an orange (or a whole grapefruit instead of half orange & half grapefruit for 'extra strength')
♥  few pieces of raw peeled and thinly grated ginger
♥  after you put ingredients into your blender glass, fill in the gaps with filtered water or coconut water

2. The Immunity & Youth Elixir
Why it's awesome:
Another mighty immunity booster, energiser, wound healing catalyst and helper in preserving youth due to it's decent amount of beta-carotene (plant precursor of vitamin A). It has powerful antioxidant properties that protects your body from the effects of stress of everyday life, smoke, air pollution and chemical exposure. It protects your arteries, fights infections and keeps your eyes healthy and your skin moist. It also promotes tissue healing and has excellent anti-cancer properties. Supports healthy hair growth, male reproductive system, cardiovascular system and helps get rid of bumpy skin rashes.

What you need:
♥  1 medium carrot, washed, peeled and sliced
♥  1/4 medium mango
♥  1/2 a small orange
♥  few pieces of raw peeled and thinly grated ginger
♥  filtered water

3. The Green Apple & Mint Smoothie
Why it's awesome:
This smoothie helps treat asthma, cold sores, herpes and wounds and helps relieve sore throat. It also boosts immunity, fights infections and viruses, prevents diabetes, helps produce energy, aids digestion and tissue repair, relieves spasms of stomach and bowel and is effectively treats nausea, motion sickness, menstrual cramps. It is very beneficial for liver, cardiovascular and nervous system and has great cleansing properties.

What you need:
♥  1/2 a green apple
♥  1/2  a pear
♥  3 fresh or frozen mint leaves
♥  a handful of spinach (approx. 30g)
♥  juice of 1 slice of lime
♥  few pieces of raw peeled and thinly grated ginger
♥  filtered water

4. The Pear & Vanilla Smoothie
Why it's awesome:
Absolutely delicious smoothie for breakfast! Stabilises blood sugar, energises, boosts immunity, fertility and mood, fights respiratory infections and yeast overgrowth of any kind, helps treat kidney and liver disorders, gives TLC to the whole cardiovascular, skeletal and muscular system.

What you need:
♥  1/2 an orange
♥  1 pear
♥  90 - 100g organic fat-free plain yogurt
♥  pinch of ground vanilla
♥  filtered water

5. The Strawberry & Pineapple Smoothie
Why it's awesome:
Another immunity booster and a mighty dose of vitamin C. Has powerful anti-aging, antiviral, anti-cancer, healing, blood vessel elasticity increasing properties. It is very beneficial for cardiovascular system, boosts memory and learning abilities. Greatly contributes to collagen production.

What you need:
♥  1/2 a pear of 1/2 a small mango
♥  2 slices of a pineapple
♥  7 strawberries
♥  filtered water

 6. The Green Boost Smoothie

Why it's awesome:
Blend of beta-carotene, vitamin C and folate. Powerful wound healer, skin complexion enhancer and protector against infections, viruses, colds and flu, cancer and bone fractures, blood clots. Enhances liver and kidney function, takes care of cardiovascular and nervous system. Improves mood, blood circulation and helps to get luscious locks.

What you need:
♥  1/2 an orange
♥  a small piece of mango
♥  1 kiwi, peeled
♥  a slice of pineapple
♥  a handful of spinach (approx. 30g)
♥  filtered water or coconut water

 7. Mango & Orange Simplicity  
Why it's awesome: 
This is a super shot of vitamins A, C and potassium as well as many B vitamins and vitamin K.  It aids digestion and supports our eyesight, has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Boost fertility, strengthens gums, takes care of whole cardiovascular system and guards away from cold, flu, depression, anxiety, mood swings and cancer. Oh, and it tastes uh-mazing!

What you need:
♥  1/2 an orange
♥  1/2 a ripe mango
♥  1 slice of pineapple or 1 kiwi
♥  filtered water

8. The Blueberry Breakfast Bliss
Why it's awesome: 
The perfect breakfast friend! It adds protein in hence stabilises blood sugar and helps control mood swings, depression, stress and PMS. Blueberry is an amazing superfood ranked as one of the top antioxidant rich foods. Packed with phytochemicals, blueberries have fantastic antiviral properties, suppress inflammation, help alleviate allergies, keep your eyes and brain healthy and young, improve memory, protect your blood vessels, fights urinary tract infections and diarrhea.

What you need:
♥  half a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries
♥  90 - 100g organic fat-free plain yogurt
♥  oat or almond milk

9. The Detoxifier and Skin Beautifier
Why it's awesome: 
Provides fantastic natural detox, flushes out toxins and excessive hormones from blood, digestive tract and liver. Supplies minerals and vitamins with antioxidant and immunity boosting properties. Helps clear acne and produce new tissue, including new healthy and beautiful skin. This is a serious beauty and health therapy drink!

What you need:
♥  a handful of spinach (approx. 30g)
♥  juice of 1 slice of lime and of 1 slice of lemon
♥  few pieces of raw peeled and thinly grated ginger
♥  Option A: 1/2 a green apple & 1/2 a pear
♥  Option B: 1/2 a green apple & about 70g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  coconut water or filtered water

10. The 'Vampire' Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
Cleanses and heals liver, cleanses blood and helps produce new blood cells. This smoothie is a good dose of a variety of micronutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, niacin, zinc, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene and phosphorus. It helps to clear skin, is a very powerful infection fighter and provides an amazing support to women during menstruation. Helps everyone who suffers from anaemia, dizziness, fatigue or hyperirritability. It is also an anti-grumpiness drink as the precious nutrients in this smoothie help you be calmer and happier!

What you need:
♥  1 medium carrot, washed, peeled and sliced
♥  1/2 an apple
♥  about 100g of boiled beetroot
♥  few pieces of raw peeled and thinly grated ginger (approx. 15g)
♥  filtered water or carrot juice

11. The Heart Loving Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
A divine blend of multiple vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that enhances your immunity, wellbeing and your looks. A good friend in promoting healthy hair growth. And  may presumably contribute to life longevity! The little apricots that resemble the shape of a human heart is indeed the fruit that takes care of this vital organ. Somewhat a hint from mother nature!

What you need:
♥  1 medium carrot, washed, peeled and sliced
♥  about 60g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  3 ripe apricots, stones removed
♥  a handful of strawberries
♥  filtered water

12. The Love Drink

Why it's awesome: 
Strengthens immunity and fights cold, flu and infections; promotes pH balance, cleanses kidneys, detoxifies, prevents blood clots, greatly improves skin complexion and.. is a libido booster! Enough said.

*Pro Tip:
To avoid bloating, always have melons separately from any other foods that take longer to digest. So have this smoothie on its own.

What you need:
♥  1 slice of ripe cantaloupe
♥  1 slice of ripe cantaloupe
♥  about 40-50g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  few pieces of pineapple
♥  filtered water

13. The Pear & Orange Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
A yummy multi-vitamin cocktail! This is another smoothie that naturally detoxifies your body, strengthens immune system and capillary walls and has powerful cancer-fighting and anti-aging compounds. As it has great antioxidant properties, it decreases the risk of all diseases caused by inflammation or excessive oxidative stress. This smoothie will also aid digestion, protect health of bones and joints and will help lower down cholesterol. It also boosts fertility in both men and women. Remember to always leave the skin on the pears to ensure you get those precious phytochemicals!

What you need:
♥  1/2 an orange
♥  1/2 a pear
♥  Option A: few pieces of pineapple and one small clementine/satsuma
♥  Option B: about 70g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  filtered water or coconut water

14. The Mango, Pear & Cantaloupe Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
A smoothie from the fruit highest in vitamin A as beta-carotene. It has many excellent health benefits - aids digestion,  boosts immunity, protects heart muscle, reduces PMS symptoms, detoxifies and supplies great amount of antioxidants to help you keep going strong and have good eyesight and sharp brain. It helps get that glow and smooth acne or rash free skin. Helps get rid of dry flaky or excessively oily skin and promotes tissue healing and repair. The minerals it has, help maintain strong bones and teeth and healthy heart. A glass of deliciousness!
*Pro Tip:
To avoid bloating, always have melons separately from any other foods that take longer to digest. So have this smoothie on its own.

What you need:
♥  2 thin slices of cantaloupe
♥  1/2 a pear
♥  about 55-60g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  filtered water

15. The Very Berry Smoothie
Why it's awesome: 
This super delicious smoothie may be called as a youth and strength elixir too! The micronutrients as well as vitamins and multiple minerals in strawberries and raspberries help you be healthy, look healthy and slow the effects of aging. Supports heart function, prevents urinary tract infections, promotes healthy memory.

What you need:
♥  about 5 strawberries
♥  1/2 a cup of raspberries, fresh or frozen
♥  about 70g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  filtered water

16. The Peach & Nectarine Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
This smoothie has not only an array of many vitamins, but also very valuable bioactive compounds. It has immune stimulating, cancer-preventative and anti-inflammatory properties, reduces bad cholesterol, supports healthy heart and kidney function and cleanses toxins. Especially great for ladies as it maintains healthy reproductive system and healthy menstrual cycle. It also improves skin tone and skin texture and slows down aging! 

What you need:
♥  5-6 strawberries medium carrot, washed, peeled and sliced
♥  1/2 a peach
♥  1/2 a nectarine
♥  90 - 100g organic fat-free plain yogurt
♥  filtered water

17. The Dessert Smoothie

Why it's awesome: 
This is the only smoothie with banana and I labelled it as 'dessert' as this is a fruit you need to limit when you want to slim down. The smoothie is nevertheless very healthy! It provides decent amounts of potassium beneficial for cardiovascular system, muscles and metabolism as well as vitamin B6, magnesium and a good range of other B vitamins. It promotes red blood cells formation, reduces inflammation helps manufacture antibodies that fight infections and chemicals that fight allergies. Helps treat asthma, arthritis, depression, anxiety, tingling sensation or numbness, cracks and sores on mouth or lips, impaired memory and hair loss. As many other smoothies, it has cancer fighting and skin improving substances. Tastes beyond yummy! 

What you need:
♥ 1 small banana
♥  7-8 strawberries
♥  about 70g of diced mango, fresh or frozen
♥  filtered water

P.S. And don't forget to drink simple filtered water!